SXC Catalina Island – Anyone have any information?
I show in our Schedules Page that on July 1, 1959 we started service to SXC (Catalina Island). Does anyone have any information about this? How long did we fly there? Did we fly DC3’s, or Martins there? Did we fly float planes into the harbor? When did we terminate service? I understand we sent agents from LAX to man the facilities in LGB. Where did the agents work? On the docks? Did we have agents on the island?
April 8th, 2012 at 7:19 am
I don’t recall dates of operation, but we flew DC3’s from LAX to the land airport which was on the top of a mountain several miles outside of the town of Avalon.
April 23rd, 2012 at 2:46 pm
In July of 1959 I went from LAX to LGB to work for Tom Rupper. We had two flights a Day to the airport on top of the Island and LGB was the Gateway to Avalon. There was PAL, Catalina Airlines, and a small operator with one or two gooses. Catalina had several Gooses and a larger flying boat that had about 20 seats they used mostly on the weekend. Both carriers flew to Avalon Bay unloading in the town.
PAL flew to the Airport on top of the Island and had Taxis waiting to take passengers to the town.
The flights were made with DC3’s that came thru LGB from LAX.
Tom would come in and check things in the Morning then take off. He was starting a Travel Agent business in Redondo Beach.
Loads were light and the other Airline people would help out if you needed it.
In Nov 1959 I receive a Greeting from my Uncle Sam and left for the Army. George Taylor from Lax came to LGB.
October 7th, 2012 at 9:37 pm
Originally, I thought the airport code was AVX. That is until I read the “Company News” dated October of ’59. There is an artical that says we fly into SXC. I googled again and found AVX was in the harbor. Float planes only. SXC is the airport 1,600 feet above the town of Avalon. We flew to the upper airport with DC3’s.
October 7th, 2012 at 9:50 pm
Actually, here is a reprint of the article:
Pacific Air Lines now has scheduled service to Santa Catalina Island (SXC). Inaugural ceremonies took place at Los Angeles International Airport, Lockheed Air Terminal at Burbank, and Pacific’s new station at Long Beach Airport (LGB).
Officials of the various communities and members of local newspapers boarded a DC-3 on the mainland and flew to the Magic Isle in 14 minutes. Under the capable command of Captain Neil Kilgore, First Officer James Martin, and Stewardess Myra Walker, the plane made a perfect landing at “the airport in the sky.” Actually, the airport is some 1600 feet, straight up. The party boarded a special bus and took a guided tour down the scenic route. Although the road distance is only 10 miles, the trip takes about 35 minutes. Some of the grades are as much as 14 degrees. The Avalon Chamber of Commerce joined the group for lunch on the open patio of the Catalina Country Club. Hosts for Pacific Air Lines were Max King, Vice President, Sales, and J. Carl Ferrell, General Sales Manager.
(This article is in our “Company News” section dated October 1959)